Is it Waajib for a female experiencing Haidh to read Takbeer-ut-Tashreeq?
There are two views in regard to Takbeeraat-e-Tashreeq for females. One view is of Wujoob, and the other view is that it is Mustahab. However, caution dictates that it should be recited. [Islaahi Khutbaat Mufti Taqi Uthmani Pg. 129 Vol.2]
A woman experiencing her menstrual cycle will not be required to recite the Takbeeraat-e-Tashreeq as it is recited after the Fardh Salaah. During her menses, she is prohibited from performing Salaah, hence the Takbeeraat-e-Tashreeq will also fall away.
فيجب علي كل من تجب عليه الصلاة المكتوبة (رد المحتار 180 ج2)