I was recently invited to a panel discussion on a Radio and TV channel with strange men. Upon my polite declination, I was met with resistance and was told that senior Ulama sit on TV shows with women, and are often alone with women in radio studios. Their point was, that if it is done with a clear intention, there is no issue. Is it correct that senior Ulama are involved in this?
Senior Ulama that abide by the laws of Allah and His Rasul Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam do not sit on Haraam TV shows, nor do they propagate Deen through current day Radio stations, nor do they spend time in seclusion with strange women. These are the true Ulama regarding whom the Quraan Sharif states, “It is only the Ulama that fear Allah Ta’ala.” [Surah Faatir, Verse 28] Yes, those that have deviated from the true path and are involved in various wrong and impermissible practices, are free and liberal in these matters. They are void of the fear of Allah Ta’ala, hence they boldly violate the laws of Deen. The Hadith Sharif states, “No man should be in seclusion with a woman except that the third is Shaytaan.” Now, even if a senior Alim was to appear on television, or happened to be in seclusion with a female in a radio station, then he will not be worthy of being followed. We will follow the Quraan, Hadith, consensus of the Ulama, and laws derived through analogical deduction.
ولا يخلونّ رجل بامرأة، فإن ثالثهما الشيطانُ (مسند احمد)
Mufti Mohammed Desai
Date:- 05 Rabi-ul-Aakhir 1445 / 21 October 2023